Rotary at COP28

COP28 was the third time Rotary International had an official delegation, which I was privileged to lead as Dean of the Rotary
Representatives Network to the United Nations and International 
Agencies. The 31 Rotary Representatives represent Rotary at 22 UN and other agencies. UNFCCC and the host government organise COP conferences. The Rotary COP28 delegation was comprised of President Gordon McInally, Chair of Rotary Foundation Barry Rassin, General Secretary John Hewko, Judith Diment, Dean of Rotary Representatives to the United Nations and International Agencies, Dr Chris Puttock, Chair Rotary Action Groups Council, and Mohamed Delawar Rotary Representative to the Arab League.

Thirteen other Rotarians attended in their capacity as programme leaders, moderators, or speakers at breakout sessions. Twenty
Rotaractors attended, including eight members of Rotaract in Dubai 
and twelve selected from Rotaract clubs around the world
representing every continent.

Judith Diment MBE

Dean of Rotary Representatives Network to the UN and International Agencies